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Delhi University Allows Students to Pursue Two Degree Courses Simultaneously

New Guidelines Offer Flexibility to Students for Dual Degree Pursuit

Delhi University (DU) has announced an exciting opportunity for its students. In a significant move, the prestigious university has granted permission to students to pursue two degree courses simultaneously within its campus. As per the notification issued by the university, students can opt for one degree in regular mode from DU’s colleges or departments, and the second through the School of Open Learning (SOL) in the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode.

No Two Similar Courses Allowed

While students can take advantage of this dual degree opportunity, the guidelines make it clear that they cannot enroll in two similar academic courses, such as B.Com (Hons) and B.Com (Pass), even if one is in ODL mode. The rule aims to ensure academic diversity and integrity in the courses chosen.

Separate Requirements for Each Degree

Students opting for two degree programs will need to meet all academic requirements for both courses separately. This includes attending classes, completing internal assessments, submitting assignments, giving presentations, and fulfilling promotion criteria for each degree. To avoid redundancy, compulsory courses completed in one program will not need to be repeated in the second degree.

Customizing Compulsory Courses

The guidelines also provide clarity on how compulsory courses will be handled. For instance, if a student is already enrolled in a regular degree program, they will need to complete all mandatory courses for that program. If they enroll in an ODL program first, the mandatory courses for that program will take priority. In cases where a compulsory course overlaps in both degrees, it will be replaced with an appropriate alternative course.

Special Considerations for Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate students pursuing two degree courses will need to complete essential subjects like Environmental Science (EVM) or Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) in their first program. These courses, if required in the second degree, will be substituted with other suitable options. Additionally, any research projects or theses in the fourth year must be distinct for each degree.

Credits Cannot Be Combined

The university has also stipulated that students cannot combine credits from two courses to receive a major or minor in any subject. Each degree must stand independently with its own set of credits and academic fulfillment.

In Line with NEP Guidelines

This decision by Delhi University aligns with the University Grants Commission’s (UGC) earlier provision, which allows students to pursue two degrees simultaneously under the National Education Policy (NEP).

This initiative is expected to provide DU students with more flexibility and opportunities for academic growth, while adhering to necessary academic standards.


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