M.A. in Gandhian Thought & Peace Studies: Institute of Gandhian Thought & Peace Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Allahabad is offering M.A. Gandhian Thought & Peace Studies with intake of thirty (30) from the academic session 2024- 25.
The details are following:
* Name of Department: Institute of Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies
* Subject: Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies
* Name of the Course: M.A. in Gandhian Thought and Peace studies
* Duration of the course: 2 Years divided into 4 semesters
* Number of seats: 30
*Eligibility: Graduation in any discipline.
Syllabus for Admission Test
M.A. Gandhian Thought & Peace Studies
Basics of Gandhian Thoughts
1. Family History & childhood of Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi as a civil right lawyer, Impact of Train Incident. The origin of Satyagraha Movement against Racial discrimination, injustice and exploitation, Gandhi & other thinkers: Leo Tolstoy, John Ruskin, Henry David Thoreau, Pritam, Gokhle etc.
2. Caste System and Varna ashram Dharma, Untouchability, Social inequalities of Harijans, Morality, Women's Problems and Empowerment, Religion, Truth, God as Truth, Violence & Non- Violence, Satyagraha and satyagrahi, Purity of End and Means Dignity of Labor.
3. Hind Swaraj, Views about Railways, Parliaments etc., Human vs Technology, Western civilization, Technology Mechanization as form of violence.
4. Gram Swaraj, Self-Rule, Panchayat Raj, Decentralization, Sovereignty, Freedom, Khadi, Charkha & Swadeshi Movement, Human Rights and Duties, Spiritual Anarchy.
5. Critique of Modern Western Civilization, Trusteeship, Environment, Constructive Programme and Sustainable Development.
6. Champaran, Non-Cooperation, Kilafat Movement Ahmedabad Mill Strike, Dandi March, Civil Disobedience movement, Bardoli, Kheda Satyagraha, Vykom Satyagraha and Quit India Movement, Gandhi and Partition of India.
Basics of Peace Studies
1. Concepts of War, Peace and Conflict in International Relation.
2. Theories of Peace and Conflicts: Perpetual Peace -Immanuel Kant, Positive Peace - John Galtung, Democracy as Freedom Amartya Sen.
3. Case Studies- World War I, WW II, Post- Conflict Reconstruction and Peace Building in Europe.
4. Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation.
5. United Nations System: Foundation, Structure and Functions, Role in International Peacekeeping Operations.
6. Peace Activism and Peace Movements: Mahatma Gandhi, martin Luther King Jr.,
7. Human Security, Human Rights, Human Development.
8. Threats to Peace: Terrorism, Nuclear Arm Race, Climate Change Pandemics, Cyber threat.
The four semesters will be of 80 credits. The course is of two years duration and is divided into four semesters-
The aim of the program is to introduce the new learner to social upliftment, Gandhian studies for social work, theoretical and practical research in peace conflict management.
The total credits of four semesters are 80. Each semester is of 20 credits and each course is of four credits.
There are five core courses in the first and second semesters and four core courses in the third and fourth semesters. There are three optional courses in each.
Semester-wise syllabus
First Semester
First semester includes five basic core courses on Gandhian philosophy, introduction to peace studies and understanding conflict and conflict resolution methods.
Second semester
Second semester deals with main papers on Gandhian text, political philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, prominent peace thinkers and peace activists. Peace and international relations and Gandhian philosophy of peace.
Third semester
Third semester Includes core courses on Gandhian Economics, Gandhi and Rural Development, Global Governance and Peacebuilding and also core courses on Research Methodology. Elective courses include Gandhi and His Contemporaries, Feminist Peace Theory and Indian Peace Movement.
Final Semester
Final Semester Includes core courses on Gandhian Education, Peace Movements in India and the World, Human Rights, Security and Development. The final semester also includes a core course in the form of project work in the form of dissertation, project, survey etc. to improve the research skills of learners through empirical methodology. Also includes elective courses on Peace and Conflict Perspectives in Political Thought, Contemporary Issues in World Peace and Academic Writing in Social Sciences.
आइए हमारे कटऑफ जंक्शन पर, जहां प्रवेश संबंधी सारी चीजें मिलेंगी एक जगह....
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