Allahabad University Admission : More than 20 PG courses revised

Allahabad University (University) has revised more than 20 postgraduate (PG) courses. Approval has been received from the Academic Council of the University and now after getting the final approval from the Executive Council, these will be implemented from the session 2024-25.

There are many of these courses in which no revision was made for a long time. Several elective papers have also been included in the revised syllabus and some papers have been removed from the syllabus. The courses have been revised keeping in mind the current needs. Actually, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has implemented the system of updating the curriculum every two years.

Under this, review of all the postgraduate subjects was started in Allahabad University last year. After review, all the departments prepared revised syllabus of PG related subjects. However, no major changes were made in the curriculum. Heads of departments say that the structure of the course is the same as before. Some changes have been made in it regarding the content.

Revision of Syllabus: Elimination of Redundant Topics and Introduction of New Content to Prevent Duplication

Some topics of the subject are being taught in graduation as well as post graduation. This was causing students to read the same content twice. To avoid repetition, these have been removed from the PG syllabus and some new content has been included in their place. The revised syllabus will be implemented after getting approval from the Executive Council.

Implementation of Four-Year Graduation Courses Under New Education Policy at Allahabad University

At the same time, under the new education policy in Allahabad University, four-year graduation courses have also been prepared. At present these have not been implemented yet. At present only three-year undergraduate courses are being conducted, which include BA, B.Sc., B.Com. When four-year courses are implemented, semester system will be implemented in graduation and the graduation course will be of total eight semesters.

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